May is another active month with the second eclipse of the year taking place in Libra:  a lunar eclipse in Vishaka on May 5.

In any month, there are three special days when the energy of the Universe is re-setting.  And that is when both the Sun and Moon are going through shifts.  So the movement of the Sun every month is known as Sankranti.  And the full moon and new moon are the shifts of the energy in the moon cycles.  This is when the emotional body goes through changes.  If you ever wanted to do a remedy, these are the times to do.

Important Dates

There is a full moon lunar eclipse on May 5 in Libra in Vishaka. Below is a video discussing this in detail:


On May 12, Mars moves into its debilitation sign of Cancer.  On May 15, the Sun moves into Taurus.  The same day, on May 15, Mercury moves direct in Aries.  We also have a new moon cycle on May 20 in the sign of Taurus, where the Moon gets exalted.

Please see video below for sign by sign analysis: